Welcome to PlyMSEF2023
We are excited to welcome you to the PlyMSEF2023 conference hosted at Plymouth Marine Laboratory on 9th February 2023.
This conference is aimed at Plymouth's early career marine scientists and we welcome researchers from all disciplines of marine science.
The conference will have a relaxed feel with a smart/ casual dress code and an evening drinks reception. Please come with lots of questions in mind. Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question.
Follow us on Twitter @PlyMSEF2023 and use the hashtag #PlyMSEFConference2023.
For those presenting a talk:
Talks will be 10 minutes with 2 minutes of questions
For those presenting a poster:
Posters must be PORTRAIT / A0 in size (1189 x 841 mm)
Please submit your poster in PDF format by Tuesday 7th February 5 pm (GMT) via email to plymsef2023@gmail.com
Bring the hard copy of your poster on the day

PlyMSEF2023 is run by a group of volunteers from the University of Plymouth, Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the Marine Biological Association.

Hayley Mcilwraith
Emily Cooper
PhD Student at PML and University of East Anglia
Hayley is a PhD student researching the interactions, fate, and effects of microplastics in coastal vegetated habitats.
PhD student at MBA and University of Plymouth
PhD Project: Marine fungi in the biological carbon pump.

Kai Cursons
PhD student at MBA and University of Plymouth

Emma Jones
PhD Student
PhD project: Scaling-up urban nature-based solutions: turning climate challenges into opportunities for humans and nature.

Bit of info about your work/project title

Bit of info about your work/project title

Maxine Canvin
Yasmin Meeda
PhD Student at MBA & Newcastle University
PhD Student at MBA & University of Exeter
PhD Project: Quantifying the contribution of kelp farming to Blue Carbon ecosystem services.
PhD Project: Novel tools to unravel phosphate sensing in marine diatoms using molecular techniques.

Natalie Smith
PhD Student at PML
PhD Project: Conducting transdisciplinary work to understand and address the impacts of littered cigarette butts on the marine environment.